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Senja, 20 years old, Helsinki/Finland
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Friday, March 15, 2013

Let the adventure begin

Holly Golightly's apartment Breakfast at Tiffany's

Holly Golightly's kitchen drinking milk from a champagne glass in Breakfast at Tiffany's

Holly Golightly's vanity table Breakfast at Tiffany's
picture credit:

Last time I wrote a more personal post was when things weren't working out the way I would've liked. This time however, it seems like I have finally found the right path and good things are coming my way. First of all, I got a job! Sure, it's a part-time cashiering job but it's a start and a possibility to set my own schedule. Then, the most incredible thing happened.

I am moving to my own little shoebox apartment in the beginning of next month. Less than three weeks to go.

My future home might be small and not situated in the city centre but I don't think a penthouse in an old 1910s building could make me happier than my little shoebox does. Got to start somewhere and at this stage of my life, a little studio apartment is all I need.

The thought of living on my own is very exciting. My initial reaction to the news was pure joy but soon it was changed to freaking out. Change is always a little scary and I've been worried about everything from beds to finances. Now I'm getting excited again and I've been browsing IKEA catalogue and such almost non-stop. You can expect a lot of interior decorating themed posts in the near future.

As good as this all is, the timing isn't the best. I should be putting all my time and energy into studying for my entrance exams but with all this excitement and meetings and training I've been doing for my job, I have barely opened my study book this week. Definitely not good as I need to know the book and the other study material by heart by early June, preferably earlier. Last year only 10-11% of the people who took the entrance exam got accepted. The pressure is on, but I'm ready to face it. Unlike last year, I'm actually motivated to do my best.

Why Breakfast at Tiffany's? Other than the fact that it's my favourite movie, I somehow feel like my own little Breakfast at Tiffany's adventure is starting to happen. Sans the call-girl looking for a rich husband part, and I'm afraid I won't get a cat. I'm no runaway teenage bride either. (and D isn't a kept man) But I will be looking for my own place in the world, trying to make the ends meet, dreaming of a place where I will feel safe. (not to mention that my little apartment will probably filled with mix and match thrift-store finds and hand-me-downs just like Holly's is) Too bad there's no Tiffany & Co store in Helsinki. However, I will drink milk from a champagne glass.

So there's the reason why it's been a little quiet on my blog. Big changes require a lot of processing but now my head is a little lighter again and I can get back to blogging and cramming for the exams. Good news for a change.


  1. Moon River, wider than a mile,
    I'm crossing you in style some day.

    Breakfast at Tiffany's <3

  2. omg awesome! heel veel plezier <3 & succes met je intake. (:

    1. Dankje! Ik kan het bijna niet geloven dat in maar drie weken woon ik in mijn eigen (huur)woning! Maar toch is het geweldig ♥

  3. Congrats on your new home!

  4. Jei, onnittelut uudesta kodista. Kannattaa myos tsekata kirppikset ja kierratyskeskukset tavaroita varten, loytyy halvemmalla kuin Ikeasta :)

    1. Kiitos! Kirppikset ja kierrätyskeskukset on suunnitelmissa, niillä vain harvoin on nettikauppoja niin olen nyt yrittänyt tyydyttää pesänrakennusviettiäni nyt näin inspiraatiota etsimällä (ja tietenkin sisustusblogit on ihan parhaita!) ennen kuin lähden ostoksille... Onneksi on myös sukulaiset, joilta saa tavaraa "perintönä" ja lainaan :)

  5. Anonymous16/3/13 00:57

    Hei onnea työstä ja kodista :) Ihania uutisia. Asioilla on onneksi tapana järjestyä ♥

    Indie by heart
    ps. NINJ & NINJ -print giveaway

  6. I'm glad everything's going well for you :)

  7. I love that movie so much !
    Thanks for your visit on my blog
    Hope to see you soon :)


    Coline ♡

  8. Congratulation, girl!! I'm so happy for you, that your life does turn for best things! I remember when I hired my own apartment when I just came to Holland, I was terrified XD I had noone here, I knew nothing of gluing wallpapers and so, but eventually I made it:) And yes, I have a lot of IKEA stuff too!
    I'm sure you will nail this exam, I can feel how motivated you are.
    So again, best of luck with everything!


    1. Thank you so much ♥

      It's all a little scary, moving to my own little place but I'm lucky to have such amazing friends and family around me :)

  9. eee! that's so exciting! can't wait to read more about your adventures ;-) x

    1. I'm terrified to be honest... but in a good way I guess :)

      I'll try to entertain you with the stories of my first experiences living on my own... hahah :D

  10. Ahh wat ontzettend leuk! Ik wilde hier al een hele tijd op reageren, maar het kwam er steeds niet van op mijn mobiel ;) Ik ben zelf ook op zoek naar een Shoebox of my own dus ik ben heel benieuwd wat je er uiteindelijk van maakt :) Succes!

    1. Hahah, technologie kan soms een bitch zijn :D

      Maar ik vind het ook erg leuk, en spannend.. 1,5 weken totdat ik ga verhuizen!!! ♥

      Succes met je shoebox, ik weet dat het is erg moeilijk om een huurwoning te vinden daar, hebben we het geprobeerd met mijn vriend maar uiteindelijk wou ik terug naar Finland. Misschien gaan we ooit samen in Nederland wonen maar dan zullen we een huisje kopen..

      Ik zal zeker wat tips posten over inrichten en koken voor jezelf en dat soort dingen ;)


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