Herra Paddington, unimaski ja ihanat pastellivillasukat, päivän pelastajat/Mr Paddington, my sleeping mask and lovely pastel color woolen socks, my saviors |
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Viime vuoden ystävänpäivän yllätys/Last year's Valentine's Day's gift |
Onneksi pian on tiedossa vähän mukavampaa touhua kuin Teho-osaston vanhojen jakson tuijottaminen samalla kun hytisee peiton alla. D varasi eilen talvilomalennot Suomeen, ja kuulemma herralla on ensi viikoksi jokin ystävänpäivän yllätys tiedossa... vaikka en sellaista varsinaisesti kaipaillutkaan! Viime vuonna sain kukkia kotiinkuljetettuna (näkyvät kuvassa), kukkalähetti ei tosin ollut yhtä ihana kuin viime kesänä, jolloin sain Ranskaan kukkatoimituksen Alankomaista asti <3
Perjantaina on sitten taas ammatinvalinnanohjausta, toivottavasti olo ei mene tästä huonompaan suuntaan, ja sunnuntaina olisi ihana päästä pikkusiskoni syntymäpäiväjuhliin. Nuorempi pikkusiskoni kun täyttää yhdeksän huomenna. Uskomatonta miten nopeasti aika kuluu, tässähän pukkaa itsellä jo jonkin sortin ikäkriisi päälle!
This is time it's not my throat, but the oh-so-lovely Norovirus, although luckily it's not as severe as the last time. I have just been feeling very weak and queasy but I have been able to avoid the bucket *yay*... I have been spending time at my aunt's, which wasn't the plan but once everyone (my aunt, my cousin and me) got sick, I decided to stay here instead of going to my grandparents', as my aunt's husband is away on a business trip and taking care of two little kids and two dogs alone while being sick would have been a little too difficult for my aunt. Especially because my 3-year-old cousin isn't sick, instead he seems to have our share of energy as well! So now we're watching the Cars for the billionth time, as it's his favorite.
Luckily I will have something more fun to do soon, rather than weakly stare at the screen and watch the very first season of the ER (so old!) as D booked his flights to Finland yesterday. He'll be spending the winter break here, and he also let me know that I will be getting a Valentine's day surprise next week, even though I was perfectly happy with him coming to Finland in the end of the month. Last year he sent me flowers (in the picture) although the flower delivery guy wasn't as nice as the one last summer when I got flowers delivered to France all the way from the Netherlands <3
On Friday I will have more career counseling, so let's hope that I won't feel any worse than this, especially because my little sister has her birthday party on Sunday. Tomorrow is her 9th birthday, it's really scary how fast the time goes by... gives one a real age crisis!
Luckily I will have something more fun to do soon, rather than weakly stare at the screen and watch the very first season of the ER (so old!) as D booked his flights to Finland yesterday. He'll be spending the winter break here, and he also let me know that I will be getting a Valentine's day surprise next week, even though I was perfectly happy with him coming to Finland in the end of the month. Last year he sent me flowers (in the picture) although the flower delivery guy wasn't as nice as the one last summer when I got flowers delivered to France all the way from the Netherlands <3
On Friday I will have more career counseling, so let's hope that I won't feel any worse than this, especially because my little sister has her birthday party on Sunday. Tomorrow is her 9th birthday, it's really scary how fast the time goes by... gives one a real age crisis!
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