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Senja, 20 years old, Helsinki/Finland
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Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Tag

christmas nordic mood board
photo credits: 1. Maku, 2. Kotivinkki, 3. Emlocke, 4. No onion please, 5. Min lilla veranda

I came across this tag on Niina's lovely blog 'It seems pretty obvious' and I thought it would be fun to do. (and I got to make another Christmas mood board, yay!) I'm not personally tagging anyone but feel free to tag yourself if you feel up to it!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, December 6, 2012

My sweet 20

Checking out my birthday presents
As many of you may have noticed, it was my birthday on Saturday. Goodbye teenage years, hello twenties. (not that I feel that much different than last week when I was still 19)

Click 'Read more' for the whole story and more pictures!

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