Checking out my birthday presents |
As many of you may have noticed, it was my birthday on Saturday. Goodbye teenage years, hello twenties. (not that I feel that much different than last week when I was still 19)
Click 'Read more' for the whole story and more pictures!
Making kinuski/Russian candy |
Pink meringue in the oven |
Birthday bunting |
More birthday presents |
Decorating my birthday cake |
Dutch apple crumble pie |
And more presents |
A huge pile of birthday presents |
Birthday cake |
Sipping pink prosecco |
Rain |
My dress: VILA, Earrings: Kalevala Koru
I went to Hoorn on Friday evening already and on Friday evening we made the cake and the filling. D's little sister was helping and I was stressing out very badly. It was the first time I made a cake without my mother's or grandmother's help and being overly ambitious, I had chosen a rather complicated cake. Still, I was stressing out for nothing and D and D's family found my behaviour slightly amusing. (okay, I was being extremely silly)
On Saturday morning D gave me my birthday present. He had wrapped my dress in a package, knowing just how much I love unwrapping presents. I might be 20 but inside I'll still remain a little kid. Like every year, I was also happy to see what I got from my Christmas/advent calendar. Downstairs, in the kitchen, I got more presents from D's mother and stepfather. I had already gotten a winter coat from them, but D's mother thought I should still get something on my actual birthday too. So now I have a knitting and crocheting books and more wool.
In the morning we continued with the cake decorating, perhaps not my brightest idea since we weren't going to eat the cake until after dinner. I had planned to make a cake with a
kinuski icing but unfortunately Dutch cream is healthier than Finnish cream with the fat percentage of 35 instead of the 38 required for making kinuski proper for icing. No matter how long we cooked the cream and the sugar, it wouldn't get thick enough. Luckily we had enough cream to cover the cake with that. The kinuski we decided to serve as a sauce, as it did taste good even if it wasn't fit to go on the cake.
We also made pink meringue, as D's little sister doesn't like cake. I love making meringue, there's only so little that can go wrong and as soon as you have separated the yolk from the egg whites, it gets ridiculously easy. Not to mention that they taste good.
I also got to video call with my grandparents, my parents and siblings, and my friends. So sweet that they all took the time to call with me. D's stepfather's parents also came over for coffee and from them I got warm slippers (pink, of course) and another knitting book and more wool.
Before dinner came D's stepfather's brother with his two daughters. D's grandparents also came, and slowly but surely everyone started to arrive. We didn't have many people over, only the closest family but as D has a big family, it was enough people to fill the entire kitchen. We opened presents and ate pasta and cake that fortunately tasted better than it looked.
It was such a lovely birthday, thanks to D and D's family for making it happen.
Ihana <3 Lahjavuori näyttää olleen valtava...
ReplyDeleteNäytät upealta tossa kuvassa missä siemailet proseccoa :)
Elegant birthday girl.
Oli kyllä valtava kasa lahjoja... ja kiitos ♥
DeleteHappy Birthday To You !
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing in details the events of the day, it was indeed a joyful day with sumptuous food shared with your near and dear ones ! You are looking lovely in both photographs ! waiting to see you in the outfit D gifted you on your Birthday. take care,
I'll try to take pictures of my outfit, we missed the outfit pictures part on the actual day but luckily everything is still in my wardrobe :)
DeleteAnd I'm glad you enjoyed the post, I certainly enjoyed my birthday :)
Have the happiest Birthday! Love the photos and you look beautiful as always. :)
so glad you had a great birthday! i know there was much anticipation for it and it seems you enjoyed it! Happy happy birthday and welcome to the 20's !!!! If you are into books read:
ReplyDeleteThe Defining Decade by Meg Jay PhD. It is really great! I didn't read it until i was 26 and wish I did sooner!
Ohh thanks for the book tip, I'll have to start looking for the book :)
DeleteAnd yes, I was a "little" nervous about my birthday.. Usually I don't make my birthday a big deal, but 20th birthday is of course worth fuzzing over, especially since it also happened to be the first birthday I spent away from my own family. Good thing I had D's family to celebrate with me, and skype is such a blessing too :)
Thanks for the sweet comment ♥
Ihanaa, että synttärit onnistui :) Miltäs elämä maistuu kakskymppisenä? ;)
ReplyDeleteHih, ei tunnu kauhean erilaiselta, mutta ehkä ikäkriisi vielä tässä kohta iskee sitten kun sitä vähiten odottaa :D
DeleteJa synttärit kyllä onnistui hyvin, vaikka olivatkin tuollaiset hyvin tyypilliset hollantilaiset synttärit (vaikkakin ilman kaikkia kummin kaiman serkkuja :D )
Näyttää kivoilta synttäreiltä, pistää toivomaan että itsekin tulis juhlittua noin omia synttäreitä :) Ja kaikkien noiden karamellimeininkien keittäminen on joskus niin himputin vaikeaa! :D ♥
ReplyDeleteKiitos paljon... kinuski on kyllä todella vaikea tapaus, mutta toisaalta leipominen onkin kemiaa :D
Deletejust tommonen ihana glamour-kuva, toi jossa juot :--)) ja hei, täytyy varmaa munkin tehä synttäreille marenkeja, ne on niin söpöjä! ...ja varmaan asteen helpompia kun macaronsit!
ReplyDeleteVoi kiitos ♥ Marengit on kyllä helppoja kunhan ei sotke keltuaisia sekaan :)