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Senja, 20 years old, Helsinki/Finland
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Saturday, October 8, 2011


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Neule: second hand kummitädiltä, Hame: Vero Moda, Laukku: H&M, Kengät: DinSko

Jos luulitte, että asukuvien laatu ei voisi enään huonontua, olitte väärässä. Puhelimen kameralla peilin kautta otettu kuva on luultavasti todellinen pohjanoteeraus, mutta ensi viikolla sitten parempaa laatua. Vain kolme yötä jäljellä, ei voi valittaa.

Olin tänään tapaamassa vanhempiani ja sisaruksiani, ja sen jälkeen tavattiin ystävien kanssa leivosten ja teen seurassa. Kaiken kaikkiaan oikein mukava päivä, ja asu oli sen mukainen: klassinen mutta kuitenkin tarpeeksi rento. 


If you thought that the quality of my pictures couldn't get any worse, you were wrong. A photo taken with my phone from the mirror must be some kind of bottom line of lameness, but hey, you'll get much nicer photos next week. Only three more nights to sleep and I'm off to the airport, can't complain.

Today I was visiting my parents and my siblings, and after the visit I met my friends. Cakes and tea, it was really nice, and all in all the whole day was very pleasant. The outfit was perfect for the day: classy yet relaxed and comfortable. 


  1. Umm... Those red shoes... Comfortable? Sorry, I think I'm 1 short on X-chromosomes to understand that... :P

  2. Daniel, don't they look sexy? You SHOULD understand :D

  3. It wasn't even that bad, no blisters ;)

  4. I didn't say they don't look nice, I just mean that comfortable is far from what they look like. I don't get why women all want high heels... I prefer my woman smaller then me :)

  5. In order to be taller than you I'd have to wear 25 cm heels... and trust me, I won't :D


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