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Senja, 20 years old, Helsinki/Finland
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Monday, August 6, 2012

Blog awards

I have received two blog awards recently, the Liebster Blog award from Aino and the Versatile Blogger award from Helmiina. Thank you both!

The Versatile blogger award requires me to come up with seven random facts about myself, and give the award to 15 versatile blogs, whereas the Liebster blog award requires me to give the award to 5 blogs with less than 200 readers. Unfortunately I happen to be a very lazy person (and most of the blogs I read have already received these multiple times) so you'll only get to read seven facts about me without me nominating anyone for either award. Sad, I know.

7 random facts about me

1. I am terrified of whales
2. I can't stand CSI Miami
3. My favorite animal is cat
4. I hate people who wear too much perfume because it gives me a terrible headache
5. I am extremely impatient (might've mentioned it somewhere already)
6. I always want to sit in the front of the plane because I think it will save me time, but I only recently realized that I might get out of the plane faster than others but I won't get my luggage any sooner
7. I can only eat 4 types of fruits without cooking them first (melons, pineapple, mango and grapes)

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Thank you so much for your comment! I'll try to get back to you asap! Anonymous commenters, please use a nickname! ♥

Kiitos kommentistasi! Pyrin vastaamaan siihen mahdollisimman pian! Anonyymit, olkaa ystävällisiä ja käyttäkää nimimerkkiä! ♥

Hartstikke bedankt voor je reactie! Ik probeer zo snel mogelijk te reageren! Anonieme mensen, gebruik alsjeblieft een nickname! ♥

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